Author: John Grout
Not Putting a Tube in the Stomach Instead of the Lungs
Error: putting a tube into a patient’s stomach, which was intended for their lungs. Solution: Squeeze the plastic bulb and put it on the tube. If the bulb inflates, the tube is in the lungs. If not, an error has occurred.
Squeezing Ketchup, Not Liquid
H.J. Heinz did their best to keep the watery liquid part of ketchup from soaking your bun. Their redesigned bottle lid had a little reservoir around the spout to catch the liquid. Product trials at my house revealed “performance issues” with this device. The concept is an interesting one. The problem with this solution was…
Dental X-Ray Positioning
This device holds the dental x-ray film. The hoop is a guide for positioning the x-ray machine so the dental technician aims correctly every time.
Make Sure the Frying Pan is Hot
The spot on this frying pan turns a solid red when the pan is hot enough for use. The spot gives a signal of the status of the pan’s temperature.
Blood Rac to Prevent Test Tubes From Falling
In blood banks, five test tubes of blood and a slip of paper identifying the blood are wrapped with a rubber band. Occassionally, the slip of paper falls out creating the opportunity for the tubes to be misidentified. the tubes can shift and possibly fall and break, a bio-hazard, The “Blood Rac” shown in this…
Ensure the Dipstick is Put Back After Oil Change
A local oil change facility puts the dipstick on the fender protector. Removing the fender protector will cause the dipstick to clatter on the floor unless it has been reinserted.
Ensure the Fire Door Closes Properly
Overlapping doors are used as fire doors. The problem is that they can be closed incorrectly. This lovely mistake-proofing device from Wales solved the problem… By propping the outer door open enough to allow the inner door to swing past before closing completely. You cannot close the door wrong.
Look Which Way When Crossing?
Tourists used to right-hand side driving need some help in London. Instructions are printed right on the asphalt. Not the strongest (most controlling) mistake-proofing there is, but I certainly appreciated it. More images of this:
Broselow Tape for Measuring Children
The Broselow tape is draped over a navy satchel. Emergency Medical personnel measure a child with the tape. The color on the tape indicates which packet to use to treat the child. Everything is appropriately dosed and sized.
Kids’ Shoe Sizing Gauge
Shoes purchased in discount stores do not have the old metal sliding, shoe-size gauges Fitting small children can be challenging for parents. This foam template seems like a good step.