Quick Start

By John Grout

Unfamiliar with mistake-proofing? Don’t know where to start? 

This page is designed to reduce information overload by recommending a starting place for those just starting to learn about mistake-proofing (a.ka. poka-yoke).

This page provides mistake-proofing information that meets the following  criteria:

  • It provides a good introductory description of mistake-proofing, and
  • It is likely to be available at a good collegiate library or it costs less than $25

Step 1: Start by looking at some mistake-proofing examples, then look at the Brief  Poka-Yoke Tutorial.

Step 2. Then, read any or all of the following articles:

Chase, R. B.,  and D. M. Stewart. 1994. Make your service fail-safe. Sloan Management Review  (Spring): 35-44.

Robinson, A.G. and D. M. Schroeder. 1990. The limited role of statistical quality control in a zero defects environment. Production and Inventory Management Journal 31(3): 60-65.

Bandyopadhyay, J. K. 1993. Poka yokay systems to ensure zero defect quality manufacturing. International Journal of Management 10 (1): 29-33.

Step 3.  If reading the articles makes you want to invest money in more information, try one of the following books.