Category: Videos

  • Mark Graban’s Mistake-Proofing Course at TKMG Academy

    Mark Graban’s Mistake-Proofing Course at TKMG Academy

    This is a short clip from the free preview of Mark Graban’s Mistake-Proofing course that’s available through TKMG Academy View the entire preview video (2.5 minutes) Transcript: Thinking proactively about what could go wrong and what’s the worst that could happen is the first step toward intentional efforts to prevent or mitigate mistakes Some mistakes…

  • What is Poka-Yoke? Via Lean Ohio

    What is Poka-Yoke? Via Lean Ohio

    Applications of Poka-Yoke in state government, for forms and more. Discover the power of mistake-proofing with LeanOhio’s comprehensive video guide. This video explores practical strategies to eliminate errors and improve efficiency in your organization. Learn how to implement poka-yoke techniques, understand the principles of lean management, and see real-world examples of successful mistake-proofing in action.…

  • Toyota: Avoiding Simple Mistakes Through Fail-Safe Devices called Poka-yoke

    Toyota: Avoiding Simple Mistakes Through Fail-Safe Devices called Poka-yoke

    From Toyota’s virtual plant tour page… “Avoiding Simple Mistakes Through Fail-Safe Devices called Poka-yoke This Poka-yoke is linked to the electric screwdriver used by the worker to check for any loose screws that need tightening. If there is a problem, a red lamp will alert the worker, helping prevent defective products.” Explore Toyota’s innovative approach to mistake-proofing in this…