Mistake Proofing Against Scheduling Two WordPress Posts on One Day

Publishing two posts on the same day isn’t the worst thing ever, but my aim at LeanBlog.org is to keep things to at most one post per day. Doing so helps “level load” the reading for my regular readers. And it allows me to level-load my social media posts about the blog posts.

I recently noticed what might be a relatively new feature. I went to schedule a post to be released on Monday, November 21st. The little dot under the date, a visual indicator, told me I already had a post scheduled for that day. But not for Wednesday the 22nd.

This is a form of mistake-proofing. It makes it less likely that I might schedule two posts for the same day, but it’s still possible.

I have to think to look. I have to be a little careful.

Better mistake-proofing might be a WordPress setting where it literally will not allow more than X number of posts in a day. If it worked like that, it might give an error message if I tried scheduling a new post on a day that already had one.


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